(1) Sulikon tiasa ngadamel batang sareng daun pepelakan lempeng, ningkatkeun kakuatan mékanis tina batang, ningkatkeun résistansi klorofil.
(2)After the crop absorbs silica, it can form silicified cells in the plant body, thicken the cell wall on the surface of stems and leaves, and increase the cuticle to form a strong protective layer, making it difficult for insects to bite and bacteria to invade.
(3) Silicon tiasa ngaktipkeun mikroorganisme anu mangpaat, ningkatkeun taneuh, saluyukeun pap, dékompék pupuk organik, sareng ngahambat baktéri taneuh.
Barang | Indéks |
Katingali | Cair transparan biru |
Si | ≥120g / l |
Cu | 0,8g / l |
Mannitol | ≥100g / l |
pH | 9.5-11.5 |
Perténaran | 1.43-1.53 |
Pakét:1L / 5L / 10L / 20L / 25l / 200l / 1000L atanapi anjeun nyuhunkeun.
Neundeun:Simpen di tempat anu ventilated, garing.
Standar eksekutif:Standar internasional.